Large apples.


Variety of apples - Kandil sinap

Kandil sinap

The fruits of medium-sized or large (120 to 150 g), one-dimensional, elongate-cylindrical, dark red colour, elegant. Pulp good taste. Detachable maturity at the end of August - beginning of September, consumer - 20-25 days. Fruits stored until December.

The fruits of medium-sized or large (120 to 150 g), one-dimensional, cylindrical, dark red colour, beautiful. Pulp good taste. Detachable maturity at the end of August - beginning of September. Fruits stored until December.

The yield up to 170кг from the tree. Flowering period. Sustainability color kidney to spring frosts high. Grade average resistance to disease and pests.

Pollinators: Rosemary white, Renet champagne.

Variety of apples - Salgirskoe

Урожайные яблоки Салгирское

The fruits of above average size (150-170 g), приплюснуты or rounded-ribbed, of an orange-red. Pulp of good taste. Detachable maturity from the second half of September. Fruits stored up to 30 days.

Trees above the average growth, round-oblong foliage, fruit and twigs.

In fruiting shall become respectively the third and fifth year after planting. Yield for the first five years of fruiting on rootstock slaboroslye - 60kg of the tree.

The flowering of the late period. The stability of the kidney to spring frosts high. The variety is relatively resistant to scab and powdery mildew. Pollinators: Golden delicious, Aurora.

Variety of apples - Renet champagne (Paper renet)

Яблоки Ренет

The fruits of average (140-150 g), flat or полуплоской forms, light-yellow, sometimes with the orange-red glow. The pulp is gentle, juicy, with a predominance of acid taste mediocre or good.

Detachable maturity at the beginning of September, consumer - 30 days. Fruits stored until may - June.

Trees of medium or above medium vigor, crown rounded-a raised, back-pyramid shape; fruit on the branches. In fruiting come on weakly tall suspensions on the fourth, on the rootstock is the sixth-eighth year.

Fruit regularly. The yield up to 200kg of the tree. The flowering of the late period. Sustainability color kidney to spring frosts high. The variety is relatively resistant to fungal diseases. Pollinators: Renet Simirenko, Rosemary white.

Variety of apples - Banana winter (Banana)

Зимнее крупноплодное

Fruits are large (140-200 g), well aligned, плоскоокруглой or the slightly tapered, light yellow with pink-and-red blurred glow. Flesh is sweet to sour, heavy, moderate juiciness with a distinctive flavor, good taste.

Detachable maturity from the second half of September, consumer - 15 days. Fruits stored until January - February.

Trees above the average growth, with вазообразной sparse foliage, fruit mainly on the branches, which are formed in two-year increments. Fruitage on weakly tall suspensions on the third-fourth, the seedlings, the fourth to sixth year.

Fruiting regular Yield up to 250 kg with wood. Flowering period. Sustainability color kidney to spring frosts high.

Sort of apples resistant to diseases and pests, but in wet years is sick scab. Pollinators: Kandil sinap, Rosemary white.

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