Apples winter.


Variety of apples - King David

Прекрасные яблоки

Winter grade. USA. Fruit more medium or medium-sized (130-150 g), slightly conical-shaped, dark-red colour, different shades, beautiful. Pulp is juicy, sweet, sour-sweet taste is excellent.

Detachable maturity from the second decade of September, in food after two months. Fruits are stored until February - March.

Trees medium,crown is round, major fruit education twigs. In fruiting takes on the fourth or fifth year and bears fruit regularly.

The yield up to 300 kg of the tree. The flowering of the late period. Sustainability color kidney to frost high. The variety is resistant to scab and powdery mildew. Pollinators: Jonathan, Golden delicious, Renet Simirenko.

Variety of apples - Rosemary white

Кисловатые яблоки

The fruits of average or below average size (100-130 g), round-oval, light yellow, often with pink blush. The pulp is gentle, juicy, sour-sweet with the inherent to this sort of aroma, taste is excellent.

Detachable maturity at the end of September - early October. Fruits stored until January.

Trees are vigorous, young pyramidal, produce fruit on. On weakly tall suspensions fruitage on the fifth, on the other - on the eighth-tenth year.

Sort of apples with richly bears fruit next year. Yield 180 kg дерева.На poor without water, soil, yield drops sharply, the fruit is small. Blossoms in the end of the period.

Sustainability color kidney to spring frosts average. The variety is relatively resistant to diseases and pests, but in wet years is striking scab. Pollinators: Renet Simirenko, Jonathan.

Variety of apples - Aurora Crimean

Питательные яблоки

The fruits of medium size (120-150 g), round or spherical-conical, the greater part of the fruit orange-red. Flesh is yellowish, juicy, sour-sweet, good taste. Detachable maturity in the first decade of October, consumer - two months. Fruits stored until March-April.

Trees above the average growth, crown round-oblong, fruit and fruit прутиках. Fruitage on weakly tall suspensions on the fourth or fifth year.

Fruiting regular. The average yield for the first five years of fruiting on rootstock slaboroslye amounted to 20 kg of the tree. Flowering medium term. Sustainability color kidney to spring frosts weak.

Sort of apples with relatively resistant to diseases and pests. Pollinators : Renet Simirenko, Golden delicious.

Variety of apples - Crimean winter

Свежие яблоки

The fruits of average (110-140 g), rounded-conical shape, with a pleasant orange-red colour, are asymmetric. Pulp dense, sweet, sour-sweet, excellent flavor, with a high content of vitamin C.

Detachable maturity in the second decade of October, consumer - two months. Fruits stored until may-June. Grade strong windproof fruits. In some years, the fruits are covered by a grid, and in the absence of crop is not one-dimensional.

Trees medium, with dense round-oblong foliage, fruit and fruit прутиках. Regardless of the type of the stock trees come into fruition on the fourth or fifth year after planting.

Fruiting regular. The average yield for five years fruiting on weakly tall suspensions amounted to 18kg from the tree. Flowering average terms. Sustainability color kidney to frost average.

Leaves and fruit are resistant to fungal diseases . Pollinators: Renet Simirenko, Jonathan.

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