The best apples.

The best varieties of apples.

Variety of apples - Aborigen

яблоко Абориген

Summer variety of apples, "Aborigen", very high quality of the apples resulting pollinated varieties Ribbed with far Eastern August. Apples are comparable with large fruits.

Tree of this grade are slightly tall, gradual, with the rounded outstretched crown. Twigs of Apple trees grow without shadows inside. Many twigs grows rapidly and the peers begins the formation of fruit buds.

Shoots of Apple thick, brownish-dark, have a slight bend. The leaves are large, wrinkled a little, green-dark with bulging veins. Flowers Apple "Aborigen" powerful and large with elongated petals, apples large, ordinary.

Fruit weight Apple 55-60 g, large reach 140 g, View of apples roundish with longitudinal outstretched form. Clean and glossy surface of fruit a little shiny. The color of the fruit clarified yellow, there is the presence of strips of bright shade of red.

Some fruits grow and can be eaten straight from the tree,acceptable taste sweet and sour with the presence of slight astringency. Maturation takes place in mid-August. Hang apples on the tree good , not falling. In fresh normal condition lie to 25 days, and in basements and shelters are stored up to 2 months. Apples "Aborigen" have market-saleable condition and well sold in the markets.

Sort of apples with a "Native" of the peak of their productivity reaches only surrounded by pollinators: August far East and the Amur yields .

The first apples swallows appear on the 3-4 year, and to 6-7 year tree becomes strong fruitful manufacturer. Developed immunity to scab.

Variety of apples - Augusta.

яблоки августа

Sort of Apple tree: late breed obtained during pollination,the crossing of the varieties Papirovka and Orlik. Trees with large rounded form crown. Main branch of an Apple tree grow from the trunk under angle up. Thickening low because the branches grow rare.

Shoots thick,smooth,rounded correct form,brown-gray, fleecy. The leaves are wide, large, slightly pointed oval-extended, regular green-light color, crumpled.

Apples "Augusta" large (170 g),homogeneous,slightly elongated in the form of a cone,ribbed. Sparkling and smooth skin. Color in the Mature form of green apples, and after a prolonged storage yellow-green. But all these colors overlaps the red glow with white subcutaneous points.

Fruit varieties are very attractive and well sold in the markets. Flesh is tasty, light-green tint, tight, juicy, sour-sweet, sweet taste. Sugar 10-11%.

Gathering this type of apples falls on the Central part of August and consumption are talking during the month. Noticed the high productivity of each subsequent season. Frost and slightly amazed at the scab.

Variety of apples - Avangard

яблоко авангард

Sort of Apple tree: vanguard refers to the autumn period of maturation, received as a result of pollination mixture of pollen Belfler-kitayka Antonovka 600 g with the type Yefremivskyi № 6 and undergoing adaptation in the Northern regions of Russia.

Apple tree moderate growth abilities with the correct ordinary branching skeletal patterns of Apple, slightly branchy crown with a load of harvest.

Branches shoots averaged with a slight bend and average diameter of branches. Leaves versatile, green. Fruit varieties "Avangard" small, small (average of 35-40 g, large reach 45-50,) Thomas rounded, flat. Painting Apple yellow light with its inherent blush on the main roundness of the fetus shade.

The deepening in the field of stem rusting, and fruits have a view. Apple pulp is white, round, juicy, sweet-sour, of excellent taste. Apples "Avangard" ripen in early September to the 10th of the number, 2 weeks later become suitable for consumption.

Fruit on the tree hold well, not crumble. On third year of growing an Apple tree begins to bear fruit. Apple fruits annually and steadily bear fruit in the normal volume. Term fruitful period due 17-20 years old.

For the cold weather resistant,has developed immunity to scab.

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